Starts on August 24

to October 19

Embark on a journey of freedom and clarity, at your own pace, as you delve into this course designed to help you seamlessly integrate the principles of ACIM into your life.

Whether you're a novice or a seasoned student, this program is perfect for you!

Watch NOW! See what you can look forward to!




After dedicating more than two decades to studying A Course in Miracles, I have acquired profound insights into its teachings and their practical application in daily life.

Drawing upon my extensive experience, I have authored a book: "Live Your Happy" that serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and living ACIM. Through my book, I aim to assist individuals in comprehending the core principles of ACIM and embracing them as a transformative way of being.

Recognizing the value of practical tools to support the assimilation of ACIM teachings, I have developed a program specifically designed to accompany my book. This ACIM 9 Week Program is carefully crafted to enhance the reader's understanding, facilitate deeper integration of ACIM concepts, and provide practical guidance for living a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

By combining the wisdom and insights gained from over two decades of studying ACIM with the supportive resources of my book and program, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards embodying the principles of ACIM.

My ultimate goal is to empower individuals to experience profound inner shifts and to live their lives in alignment with the teachings of ACIM.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 2: You Are Not Who You Think You Are
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 3: You Are Not Alone
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 4: You Are the Love of Your Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 5: You are Now Ready to Practice the F Word w/ GARY RENARD
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 6: You Are Fearless
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 7: You Are Not Stuck
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 8: You Are Getting Ready
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 9: Live Your Happy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS VIDEO (Week 9 Homework)
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

“I have been studying A Course in Miracles since 1993, but in all those years I have never come so far in uncovering the ego’s blocks as I have with Maria’s Live Your Happy 9 Week Course. This is like A Course in Miracles Turbo!” 

– Gary Montcalm

This program goes with the Live Your Happy book

Paper Back

Audio Book


Starts on August 24

to October 19

Week 1: You Are Not Bad and You Are Not Going to Hell

Put your seat belts on! Week 1 starts off strong! We dive into where “our problems,” which I call our “Big Deals,” truly come from and what is the solution.



·     How did we lose touch with love?

·     How to release guilt.

·     What are our “Big Deals?”

·     What is a shift in perception?

·     Why we are not sinful.

·     Our problems are not in the world. They are in our minds.

Week 2: You Are Not Who You Think You Are

This week busts out right away with deep application of Week 1 as participants Liz and Patricia share their Week 1 experience and the epic deep healing that took place. Whoop! Whoop! These women demonstrate great courage and will inspire you to do the work! Because it works! 



·     Creating affirmations that really work with examples from participants.

·     What is the ego and what is the Holy Spirit?

·     Why you choose the ego and think it is you.

·     You will learn the “The Four Tricks of the Ego” that keep you stuck. Maria dives deep sharing about these.

·     How to stop, look, ask, and listen to undo the ego’s tricks.

·     How to ask your higher self to see things differently.

Week 3: You Are Not Alone

This week we dive deep into how to hear our inner wisdom, the Holy Spirit. We struggle so much with not knowing whether the ego or the Holy Spirit is running the show. In this class we get crystal clear on the Voice for Love and how to listen and follow its lead.



•     Why we feel alone and how we can move beyond that feeling.

•     The world does not define you. God does.

•     How to be more accepting and trusting.

•     Letting go of what you are not by uncovering your grievances. 

•     The 4 Steps to hearing your Inner Wisdom.

Week 4: You Are the Love of Your Life

This week we get on the happy train as we recognize that we are worthy of love! Maria dives deep into the stories she shares in her book and her personal life. This truly helps as we get this happy train into gear! Choo! Choo!



·     How you can use your feelings as a tool to awaken. “You have to feel it to heal it!”

·     How to sit with your feelings and not need to take any action, to just trust.

·     How to let go and not personalize things. To know that love is one, that it has no degrees, and that it’s all-inclusive.

·     How to ask yourself key questions that will help you get aligned to your self-love.

·     How to stop compromising your spiritual practice and get to work! 

·     That you can’t mess it up!


Week 5: You are Now Ready to Practice the F Word

This week you are in for a very HAPPY treat! Gary Renard, A Course In Miracles Teacher and best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, will be our guest teacher. If there is anyone that explains forgiveness in a clear and practical way, it’s this guy! This is an amazing class and you can be sure you will get a lot out of it!


·     What is true forgiveness and when to forgive.

·     The forgiveness thought process.

·     How to forgive yourself and others.

·     How to practice forgiveness in your daily life.

·     How to take responsibility for your life so you can suffer less.

·     How to see beyond the images you see.

·     How to change your experience from unreality to reality.

·     How to get into a miracle state of mind.

Week 6: You Are Fearless

This week will kick your butt into being fearless and recognizing that you are totally capable of living the happiest life ever!



·     How to get over feeling unworthy of love.

·     How to distinguish the voice of the ego and Holy Spirit.

·     How you can hear the voice of Holy Spirit

·     How to forgive the past and open your mind to a new way of seeing.

·     How to write a letter to heal any grievance.

·     Why you became fearful and forgot who you are.

Week 7: You Are Not Stuck

This week we explore how to change our thoughts that keep us stuck, so we may experience true happiness. The only way to real change is to think differently and to see beyond what we think we know.



·     How to relieve compulsive worry.

·     How to get out of you comfort zone.

·     How to get out of your own way so you can live your life’s purpose.

·     The power in changing your thoughts so you can change your experience.

·     3 helpful steps to get unstuck from the same old problems in your life.

·     What is resilience and how to be resilient.

Week 8: You Are Getting Ready

This week we are getting ready to live a happiness beyond measure. The time has come!



·     What is littleness and how to overcome it.

·     What is false abundance and how to let go of that!

·     What is true abundance and how to claim that!

·     How to find your inner wealth.

·     How to change from saying, “I need to” to “I choose to”.

·     How to be happy right now, in the present moment.

Week 9: Live Your Happy

This week we dive deep into full trust, which is the key to really living your happy!



·     What is old trust versus new trust?

·     Four-step guide to get back to trust.

·     How to create a Happy Plan.

·     How to let go of the need to manipulate and control.

·     How to let go of compulsive worry.

·     How to allow Spirit to run the show!

Select a pricing plan and sign up


1. Enroll in Course

2. Buy the book (if you don’t have it) click here

3. You’re all set.

Watch NOW! See what you can look forward to!

Heartfelt sharing from past participants!

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Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 2: You Are Not Who You Think You Are
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 3: You Are Not Alone
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 4: You Are the Love of Your Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 5: You are Now Ready to Practice the F Word w/ GARY RENARD
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 6: You Are Fearless
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 7: You Are Not Stuck
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 8: You Are Getting Ready
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 9: Live Your Happy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS VIDEO (Week 9 Homework)
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Select a pricing plan and sign up

“I was able to get to the root of my problems”

– Liz Foster

100% Heart-based

We are convinced of our contribution to your healing and enlightenment. If you are not getting the healing out of this program as you expected we promise you to give you 100% of your money back.

PS: If you can’t afford this program, we also offer scholarships – just write us an email: [email protected]